Şub 14

I'm nearly-fully satisfied with the Windows 7, that I began to use at home nowadays. To be honest, I can say that I'm an addict of it because of performance.

Or "was". Until it took 1 hour and 40 minutes to make a website working on IIS.

I didn't expected it to be so smooth but I never guessed a bloody ending like this. I created my site as usual and wanted to see the empty page immediately. When I came by IIS 7.5 and see the jelly-candy interface, I felt that things will not do good. Anyway I defined the website and went to the browser and firs error:

ERROR 1: HTTP Error 500.19 / Error Code: 0x80070005 / Config Error: Cannot read configuration file due to insufficient permissions

Inspection phase began of course. It was obvious that this is an access problem. I permitted the IIS_IUSRS user to access web project folder. I Refreshed the page in browser and second error:

ERROR 2: HTTP Error 500.19 / Error Code: 0x80070021 / Config Error: This configuration section cannot be used at this path. This happens when the section is locked at parent level....

This was the most educating error in this story. Though the things I've learnt was not related with the error... After some research, I've found out an easy way.
Opening the file at location %windir%\system32\inetsrv\config\applicationhost.config and to change the "Deny" words into "Allow" in this portion:

<section name="handlers" overrideModeDefault="Deny" />
<section name="modules" allowDefinition="MachineToApplication" overrideModeDefault="Deny" />
By this way, I will be allowing sections to be overwritten in web.config.
It's an easy thing to do but if you can find the file... I immediately switched to my Total Commander, navigated to path, and what? directory is empty? look around it's empty? Then I switched to cmd. Navigated to path, nothing.
Then I learned the thing "SYSWOW32 Redirection" from a forum. In 64Bit operating systems, there are two system folders. One System32 and one SysWOW64. But because all software will try to access to system folder in same way, Microsoft redirects 32bit applications to 32Bit system folder by "SYSWOW32 Redirection". This means if you use an 32bit application to view the folder (Total Commander and cmd in my case) the folder shows empty, because the folder is not actually that folder.
After I got this, I switched to 64bit Notepad and managed to open and change the file by pointing to it with full path. Returned to browser, refreshed and here comes the 3rd error:

ERROR 3: HTTP Error 401.3 / Error Code: 0x80070005 / Unauthorized

After a long research, I found out that the problem is related with site authentication in IIS 7.5. It's needed to follow these steps in order to correct it:
1. Go to IIS7.5,
2. Expand "Sites" node, click the problem web site's name.
3. Double click "Authentication" on the right.
4. Right click on "Anonymous Authentication" item and click "Edit...".
5. Check the "Application Pool Identity" option
6. Save it.
I've completed all steps, returned to browser expecting "it's ok this time", F5 andddd

ERROR 4: HTTP Error 404.3 / Error Code: 0x80070032 / Not Found

I thought that ASp.NET handler is not working but how to find and correct in this jelly-candy IIS7.5? I began searching for it this time. I found out where the handlers are but no one was knowing about ASP.NET handlers over there. I then learned that requires manual activation of ASP.NET components even if you have Framework installed. For this, we go to "Programs and Features" from Control Panel and then say "Turn Windows Features on or off". Then in the appearing tree, we go to this node: "Internet Information Services/World Wide Web Services/Application Development Features". Then we pick all items here except "CGI".

After completing these steps, I've refreshed browser then an error more. But this time I began to get good-old yellow error pages of ASP.NET. It was a meaningless error but I tried to compile project once more. Then it healed and lastly I managed to see my white good and empty Default.asp page...

These issues are not lived on an operating system installation that is screwed up and is living for ages. Operating system was 3-4 days old and Visual Studio installation was just 1 days old. In other words, platform was nearly out-of-the-box.

I hope this story heals somebody's problems out there...

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