Şub 17

I was absolutely sure that I'll get much more funny errors as I upgrade by office computer to Windows 7. All installations took a day long (because of updates). While installing my default environment triplet Visual Studio 2003-2005-2008, I learnt that VS2003 is no more supported by Windows 7 (and by Vista). Feeling thankful because I do not have to deal with my VS2003 projects recently. Then I tried a VS2005 project and got my beautiful error:

HTTP Error 500.23 - Internal Server Error: An ASP.NET setting has been detected that does not apply in Integrated managed pipeline mode.

After a short research, I've find out that performing the recommendation on page does not break down anything:

  1. Go to IIS 7.5

  2. Expand Sites/Default Web Site

  3. Right click on the application that causes problem and choose "Manage Application/Advanced Settings..."

  4. Change "Application Pool" parameter to "Classic .NET AppPool" and save

With glorious feelings solving this issue, I immediately switched to VS2008 and tried to compile a project and got an error telling about an access problem to somewhere under "Temporary ASP.NET Files" directory. I went to directory and gave access to nearly all users that comes to my mind. This time I get an error saying one of project's dll is inaccesible:

After this point, I cycled through one access problem on "Temporary ASP.NET Files" folder and one access problem on project DLLs. My fight on giving permission and healing lasted about 4-5 hours splitted into two days. I was getting a similar error on browser:

After a long long internet research, the resolution I've found made me feel like I want to cry. All problems are resolved miraculously after setting "Special Permissions" on Microsoft .NET folder under Windows folder for "Users" group.

I feel that I'll live much more funny days with this Windows 7 - Visual Studio double...

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